At Birthwise we off comprehensive Midwifery Care in a loving environment from preconception through the postpartum period.
Preconception Counseling
Birthwise offers personalized counseling for women and families wishing to prepare for pregnancy or for those wishing to improve their fertility.
Prenatal Care
Mothers and families are invited to ask as many questions as they desire, and to discuss fear and/ or concerns that may arise. There are no "stupid" questions, and there is ample time throughout the course of your prenatal care to have thoughtful discussion, as we set aside an entire hour for each prenatal appointment.
Prenatals include the following:
Maternal monitoring of blood pressure, pulse, dipstick urinalysis, lab work as needed, in addition to nutritional and activity counseling.
Fetal monitoring includes auscultation of fetal heart tones, palpation of fetal position, and fundal height measurements
Birth Care
Birth Care begins when you feel you need someone to be with you, not when you have achieved a predetermined contraction pattern. Every mom will know when she is "in labor". We are as involved as each mother desires, respecting each woman's unique emotional and physical needs.
Care of the Mother includes loving, nonivasive monitoring of blood pressure, pulse, dipstick urinalysis, temperature, cervical dilation, nutrition and hydration, guidance with postional changes, and emotional support
Care of the Baby includes gentle, loving monitoring of fetal heart rate, fetal position, labor tolerance and birth progress.
Postpartum Care
All monitoring is done in an unrushed and caring manner. There is never any need for your baby to be taken from you. All care can be completed with your baby in your arms or right next to mom in bed.
Baby's heart rate, respiratory rate, termperature, weight, feeding and overall well being are continually monitored.
In addition to clinical monitoring, moms will be nourished both physically and emotionally and your family will be given the space to bond with your new baby.
feel free to contact April for more information, or to set up a
private consultation and tour of the Birthing Suite and Family Center 512-374-9592