Upcoming Events

Feb 25th 7:00 PM

Birth Bootcamp with Melek Speros- 10 week class series

Every Wednesday beginning January 14th.

Join Melek Speros for this 10 week childbirth preparation intensive.

Birth Boot Camp is specifically designed for couples planning births without the use of pain medication, although women planning on medicated births also benefit from our comprehensive education.  Our curriculum is modern, teaching you how to achieve the birth you want in the present birth climate with thorough education on the risks of unnecessary interventions and how to avoid them, choosing the right care provider and place of birth to help you achieve your goals, how to stay healthy in pregnancy, and tools to help you manage your labor effectively. This 10 week childbirth education class trains couples in natural childbirth, reducing the chances of a cesarean birth, and breastfeeding.  Couples receive a comprehensive workbook, access to a detailed instructional breastfeeding video (streamed online), and a Birth Boot Camp tote bag with registration.  It is recommended that you begin Birth Boot Camp between 28-30 weeks of pregnancy.Read a full description of each class and watch an informational video here.

For information: msperos@birthbootcamp.com

Mar 4th 7:00 PM

Birth Bootcamp with Melek Speros- 10 week class series

Every Wednesday beginning January 14th.

Join Melek Speros for this 10 week childbirth preparation intensive.

Birth Boot Camp is specifically designed for couples planning births without the use of pain medication, although women planning on medicated births also benefit from our comprehensive education.  Our curriculum is modern, teaching you how to achieve the birth you want in the present birth climate with thorough education on the risks of unnecessary interventions and how to avoid them, choosing the right care provider and place of birth to help you achieve your goals, how to stay healthy in pregnancy, and tools to help you manage your labor effectively. This 10 week childbirth education class trains couples in natural childbirth, reducing the chances of a cesarean birth, and breastfeeding.  Couples receive a comprehensive workbook, access to a detailed instructional breastfeeding video (streamed online), and a Birth Boot Camp tote bag with registration.  It is recommended that you begin Birth Boot Camp between 28-30 weeks of pregnancy.Read a full description of each class and watch an informational video here.

For information: msperos@birthbootcamp.com

Mar 7th 9:00 AM

Your Pelvic Floor: Beyond Kegels Workshop with Dara Fields CNM

Join Midwife Dara Fields in an informative 4 week class series focusing on regaining pelvic floor strength. Whether your baby is 1 or 15 years old, this course is for you! Reclaim your body. Laugh until your belly hurts without concern. 


Mar 11th 7:00 PM

Birth Bootcamp with Melek Speros- 10 week class series

Every Wednesday beginning January 14th.

Join Melek Speros for this 10 week childbirth preparation intensive.

Birth Boot Camp is specifically designed for couples planning births without the use of pain medication, although women planning on medicated births also benefit from our comprehensive education.  Our curriculum is modern, teaching you how to achieve the birth you want in the present birth climate with thorough education on the risks of unnecessary interventions and how to avoid them, choosing the right care provider and place of birth to help you achieve your goals, how to stay healthy in pregnancy, and tools to help you manage your labor effectively. This 10 week childbirth education class trains couples in natural childbirth, reducing the chances of a cesarean birth, and breastfeeding.  Couples receive a comprehensive workbook, access to a detailed instructional breastfeeding video (streamed online), and a Birth Boot Camp tote bag with registration.  It is recommended that you begin Birth Boot Camp between 28-30 weeks of pregnancy.Read a full description of each class and watch an informational video here.

For information: msperos@birthbootcamp.com

Mar 14th 9:00 AM

Your Pelvic Floor: Beyond Kegels Workshop with Dara Fields CNM

Join Midwife Dara Fields in an informative 4 week class series focusing on regaining pelvic floor strength. Whether your baby is 1 or 15 years old, this course is for you! Reclaim your body. Laugh until your belly hurts without concern. 


Mar 21st 9:00 AM

Your Pelvic Floor: Beyond Kegels Workshop with Dara Fields CNM

Join Midwife Dara Fields in an informative 4 week class series focusing on regaining pelvic floor strength. Whether your baby is 1 or 15 years old, this course is for you! Reclaim your body. Laugh until your belly hurts without concern. 
