Birthwise Birth & Family Center
2500 Manor Rd Austin, Tx 78722
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Upcoming Events

East-West Family Health SWAP-

Holistic Childbirth-
Saturday September 12th or 19th from 2-5:30pm with Midwives April Bullock and Natalie Lake

Conscious Childbirth Class Series- Tuesdays August 18th through September 15th from 6:30-9pm with Lanell Coultas. for more info

Birth Professionals Potluck Networking Lunch-
Monday, September 14th 12-1:15pm. Join other professionals in Austin's birth community to network, gain support and learn from each other. This event repeats every 2nd Monday of each month.

The Role of Doulas in a Homebirth Setting and Supporting Families at a Homebirth-
Sunday August 30th 1-5pm with Jessica Atkins
Midwives, doulas and parents will share insights and suggestions for doulas who are interested in or already actively supporting families who birth at home. Q&A session will follow. For more info

"You're Worth It Mama, Wednesday"- every Wed from 10am-1pm. Join us for low cost acupuncture, massage, parent education, yoga, and great classes and discussions. Childcare provided while attending sessions or classes.

9am- Mommy and Me Yoga- suggested donation $5-10
10am- Hatha Yoga- $10
11am- Prenatal Yoga- $10
12pm- Lunch Hour Discussions (free)

September 2nd- The Holistic First Aid Kit 12-1pm with April Bullock, CPM,LM