Birthwise - Birth & Family Center
2500 Manor Rd Austin, Tx 78722374-9592 or 289-3798
So much of my time as a midwife is spent counseling women on making healthful choices to ensure that they create an optimal environment for their babies to grow. Here are my Top 10 Tips:
1. Eat whole foods- this means foods that are unrefined and in their purest form, find your local farmer’s markets for foods as close to the source as possible.
2. Eat 80 grams of protein per day. It is possible to get this much protein without eating animal products as well. Brown rice, whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta all have protein- who would’ve thought? Kale and broccoli have 5 grams of protein per serving.
3. Get 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every day- this need not be strenuous, but movement is essential. Walk around the block, jog in the pool, swim
4. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day.
5. Eliminate caffeine and alcohol from your diet. These substances really do go to your baby.
6. Eat a salad a day. In a hurry? Don’t have time to prepare a salad? Grab a box of organic salad greens and throw some on a plate. EASY!
7. Do as much yoga as you can. The breathwork in yoga is similar to the type of breathing you want to do in labor. Buy a yoga pass or look for free yoga.
8. Stop reading pregnancy blogs on the internet. so many people post their “horror” stories. The mind can only hold so much information and it isn’t beneficial for your sanity to fill your mind with scary stories. Instead fill your mind with positive, gently birthing stories.
9. Choose your birth attendants and guests wisely.
10. Connect with like minded Mamas before the birth of your baby.
For other tips, or if you have specific questions- respond to this post or shoot me an email at
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