excerpts from the book "Pushed" by Jennifer Block

Here are just a couple of quotes that I think will shock you or at the least really give you som food for thought:

In the context of the feelings of nurses and OB"s on the use of Pitocin one Physician remarked
    "When I hear I've got a nurse who will go up on the Pit, I know it's going to be a good day"
WOW! WOW! and WOW! What about all the dangers associated with Pitocin?

Ok, here's another one:
This is from DeLee, a prominent physician in the early 1900's 
     he refers to women as "nervous inefficient products of modern civilization"
This one leaves me speachless.

So, what are we going to do about the state of Obstetric care today? What can we do?


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