Hello from BirthwiseTX and great waterbirth
So this is my first attempt at a blog entry. Please bear with me.
Today was ablsolutely gorgeous here in Austin, a great day for a birth. A super sweet 2nd time mom came in to the birth center today around 1:45 pm in active labor but still as funny and stylish as ever. She arrived describing lots of "pressure"- not feeling like pushing just yet, but soon it would be time she thought. With every contraction she would say " I need to go" and would walk outside in the backyard. It was so very sweet- so pulsatilla. After just about an hour she was ready to hop into the birth tub. After about 2 contractions in the tub she was really doubting her ability to get through- as do most mamas. At one point I told her she was going to have her baby very soon, she told me she thougth I was lying. But within about 10 minutes of getting into the tub she was pushing gently with each contraction. When her sweet little baby was at a full crown, Mom says something along the lines of " I can't do this birthing the head business" which of course she could. In another 2 contractions Daddy was scooping his little girl out of the tub and into Mom's arms. Absolutely amazing! I am still in complet awe as each baby is lifted onto his/her Mama's chest and lets out his/her first cry. I wouldn't want to do anything else.
Today was ablsolutely gorgeous here in Austin, a great day for a birth. A super sweet 2nd time mom came in to the birth center today around 1:45 pm in active labor but still as funny and stylish as ever. She arrived describing lots of "pressure"- not feeling like pushing just yet, but soon it would be time she thought. With every contraction she would say " I need to go" and would walk outside in the backyard. It was so very sweet- so pulsatilla. After just about an hour she was ready to hop into the birth tub. After about 2 contractions in the tub she was really doubting her ability to get through- as do most mamas. At one point I told her she was going to have her baby very soon, she told me she thougth I was lying. But within about 10 minutes of getting into the tub she was pushing gently with each contraction. When her sweet little baby was at a full crown, Mom says something along the lines of " I can't do this birthing the head business" which of course she could. In another 2 contractions Daddy was scooping his little girl out of the tub and into Mom's arms. Absolutely amazing! I am still in complet awe as each baby is lifted onto his/her Mama's chest and lets out his/her first cry. I wouldn't want to do anything else.