Birthwise Birth & Family Center
2500 Manor Rd Austin, Tx 78722
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What's New?
April Bullock, CPM, LM and Melissa B Light, TxLAC, MSOM have created Austin's 1st Interdisciplinary Birthing Center, East-West Family Health. We are thrilled to be able to offer Austinites a new Community Health resource center. East-West offers Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Midwifery Care, a Birthing Center, Massage Therapy, Parent Education, Doula Services and much more.

We have a wonderful growing community of Women and Children joining us every Wednesday for "You're Worth It Mama, Wednesdays"; a morning of low-cost acupuncture, massage, parent education, yoga, and informational classes and discussions with FREE childcare. Join us from 10am-1pm any Wednesday!

Check out the Birthwise Blog at